Monday, February 16, 2009

If God is for me...

I was reading in my Bible the other day about the Isralites and thier time after leaving Egypt and the time before they came into the holy land which God promised them and I came across a side of God which I have never really noticed before. First a bit of back story, God told the Isralites to go and explore Canaan and then to go and take the land for thier own. But the Isralites just grumble and moan and winge constantaly about how hard it will be and that they'll never succeed. They even said that they would have been better of dying in the desert. These are the same Isalites who have seen God work a whole bunch of miricles both whilst they were in Egypt and also while they were in the wilderness. You would think that if there was a group of people around who would trust God then these would be it.
Eventually God stops giving them chances to trust Him and turns against them. He send them off into the wilderness for another 40 years and in the book of Numbers, ch14 verse34 actually says "you will know what it's like to have me against you". He also promises that any of them who had been complaining and not willing to trust him would die without reaching the promised land. How cold is that?!
It really opened my eyes to how we need to trust God, and if God gives us an opportunity we really need to take it and trust Him rather then winge about how hard it will be or that we would have been better off where we were. It also made me step back and realise just how awesome God is. I often think of God as only this all loving, forgiving being who is always looking out for me and who wants what's best for me. Whilst this is true for the most part I also need to remember that God is not a passive god. If you keep slapping God in the face you can't expect to get away without any reprocussions. Or if you look at it another way, you can't keep openly sining and expect God to be sitting in heaven, looking down on us and be all like "Opps! there goes Anthony, sining again. Oh well, I guess he'll learn one day". On the contralry, sin pisses God off, he hates it! If we don't try and change things ourself then he's going to step in and take some action.

Moral of the story, trust God and be careful what you ask for.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Out of the loop

Now that I've discovered how this site works I figure I should write a proper blog. Although I'm still not sure what qualifies as a "proper blog". I fell like I should write something deep and meaningful which will keep people coming back, but I fear that if that is the reason why you're here you are going to be bitterly disappointed. Chances are that I'll write a couple more blogs and then I'll forget to post for a while before totally forgetting about this site all together. I give this whole process from beginning to end about 2 weeks, or a month tops. If that does happen please feel free to send me a text message and abuse me until I post something else.

Anyway, I thought I would give you a brief insight into my weekend. I decided late on Friday night that I was tired of a lot of things in life. The list of things that I was tired of are many and varied and maybe I'll post something about them later on but the one I wanted to mention tonight was my mobile phone.

It seemed that lately much of my life has been ruled by this device. Always waiting for text message from a friend, or sending a text message and hoping for a reply, and feeling naked if I ever left my phone at home or if the battery went flat while I was out. So I decided to turn it off for a day or so.
I should admit that on Saturday morning I did turn it on for a second to send one text message that I really needed to send but otherwise it was off from Friday night until Sunday afternoon. I was amazed at how nice it was knowing that it was off. I knew that I wasn't going to be getting any messages and this meant I could concentrate on all the other things that were running through my mind.

I spent most of Saturday cleaning my house, playing a bit of guitar, and basically just chillin' out. Later that night my head was still buzzing with a bunch of thoughts so I went for a run. It's amazing just how far you can run when you're angry and trying to sort things out. I haven't done a lot of running lately so I'm not especially fit but still ended up running around 10kms or so.

I'm still working though a few things but my phone's back on and I'm back in contact with people. The reason why I turned my phone off wasn't to try and get some sort of attention from my friends or anything like that, but for the record if you're wondering just how long it takes for people to notice that you're not around or answering your phone and for them to actually pay you a visit, in my case it was about a day and a half. Which I thought was pretty cool. I've got good friends.

First Blog

Rightio, first of all I guess I should say hello. So, hello! As this is my first blog I'm not really going to write anything of any great importance. I'll just post this so I can figure out exactly what's going on.